As London fashion week kicks off with a bang of loud and proud colors and incredibly luxurious textures that make fashionista’s around the world go weak at the knees, it got me thinking what does recruitment software have in common with fashion? Nothing I can hear you thinking, 2 worlds apart however on some levels they have more in common than you think and let me explain before you think I’m completely crazy!
As a keen fashionista I follow the world of fashion with a sharp eagle eye looking for that one style, that one item that’s going to not only make me look good but also feel good, well it’s the same with recruitment software. A savvy recruitment director knows that just one great software can not only boost team moral and create a happy working environment but can also create a sleek image of being a highly professional recruitment company worth investing time in.
You see it’s all about design and image, you can design something and add a whole host of things to it that might make it look good but doesn’t necessarily work for everyone whereas you can design that one thing that is so simple, beautiful to look at and yet massively effective it has people queuing all over the world just to have one.
So you never know know maybe next year you might see HRS hitting the catwalks of fashion week modeling the latest design of one of our products…here’s hoping!